Autodesk Cloud Conversion Site
Autodesk Cloud, Autodesk’s first cloud product, transformed the value of Autodesk Subscription with with powerful features such as rendering and energy analysis. I designed the Subscription webpage and main page to announce Autodesk Cloud and drive existing Subscription customers to upgrade.
Interaction design
By removing the complexity of the purchasing model and conveying it in an easy-to-understand way, Subscription customers knew exactly what cloud services they would receive based on what software they already had subscriptions to. They were more likely to upgrade to Autodesk Cloud.
Autodesk Cloud was available as an upgrade to subscribers to Autodesk Subscription. Certain services were available to all subscribers, while other, more powerful ones, were available to subscribers who subscribed to Autodesk Cloud (now A360). The offering model was confusing enough for employees; how would we communicate it clearly to customers?
I designed the Subscription webpage and main webpage to clearly communicate the benefits of Autodesk Cloud and provide a direct path to conversion.
What's Next
The websites went live with this design in 2012 with the announcement of Autodesk Cloud.
“After my first interview with Carol, I knew that she was something special. She has rock solid interaction design skills: is creative and innovative when appropriate, and practical when scope and schedule requires fast / smart solutions.”
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